Cdf files not loading
Cdf files not loading

cdf files not loading

Simplicity: Turning an existing Web site into a channel merely involves creating a CDF file with a text editor and creating a hyperlink to this file.Structure: CDF describes how to logically group information in a hierarchical structure, independent of the content format.User control: The user can use CDF to specify which portions of a site to download to his or her browser, instead of pulling a lot of content off the site and hoping that it contains the needed information.Administrator control: The administrator can control how much of the site can be downloaded by users.Personalization: Standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) cookies can be used to deliver personalized information to users.

cdf files not loading

Thank you very much.NOTEĬDF is not true webcasting in the sense of Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting because it is a “pull” technology. I'm a very beginner and any advice is really appreciated. Species="Homo_sapiens", unlink=TRUE, compress=FALSE, package.path = pkgpath) ("mirna40cdf", version = packageDescription("makecdfenv", field = "Version"), How can I fix this? Here's the full code: require(affy)ĬonvertCdf("miRNA-4_0-st-v1.cdf", "mirna40cdf", version=4, verbose=TRUE) Warning message:missing cdf environment! in show(AffyBatch) Library - package mirna40cdf not installed Specified environment does not contain miRNA-4_0 So I tried the function, but ReadAffy doesn't work properly and gives me this error: names <- dir(pattern = "*.CEL", path="~/cell/GSE143564_RAW",full.names = TRUE)Ĭould not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:

cdf files not loading

* installing to library 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.2/library'ĮRROR: dependency 'AnnotationDbi' is not available for package 'mirna40cdf' I've had to download the miRNA-4_0-st-v1.cdf file and to create a package using the function then I tried to install it in the shell but I encountered the following error, even if I load the AnnotationDbi package in R : R CMD INSTALL C:\Users\MM~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpaURloF/mirna40cdf I 'm trying to perform a DE analysis on CEL files.

Cdf files not loading